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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Sagas and Space - Thinking Space in Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia

Sagas and Space

In this course, Prof. Glauser from the Department of German Studies and lic. phil. Sandra Schneeberger invited participants to explore concepts of space in the Viking Age in old Norse culture. "Explore with us the fascinating ways of thinking about space in the Viking Age and Old Norse culture. Together we will discuss how space is conceptualized and depicted in diverse Old Norse genres and traditions."

Led by

Professorial Chair, Prof. Jürg Glauser

Department of German Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Platform Coursera
Course duration 7 April 2015 to 5 June 2015
Language English

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Prof. Dr. Jürg Glauser

lic. phil. Sandra Schneeberger